Monday, August 02, 2010

Saints to Sinners Winners!

Josh did a bike relay this last weekend called "Saints to Sinners". Their team "We Abuse Crack" rode 507 miles from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas and came in FIRST!! It sounds like they had a great time and are already planning to do it again next year. Way to go fellas!

(I'm so glad they opted to change out of their spandex shorts for this picture) :)


Nate and Lana Hope said...

That is soooo cool! Way to go Josh!

Melissa Snyder said...

Way to go Josh! What a great accomplishment. Glad the had a good time.
How are you feeling Terri? Aren't you due pretty soon? Hope all is well.

jenhatch said...

That's so SWEET! Myself, my husband, my Dad and my brothers are all into cycling too... those spandex are something that I don't think I'll ever get use to! NOT the side you want to see on your dad and bros!