Monday, June 28, 2010

Where Did June Go?

Here is our update for June. Apparently it's the end and I haven't posted for a really long time. So...Josh and Tyler went on their first father/son campout. It was lovely to have a night all to myself - maybe they could make that a monthy activity. Tyler finally graduated to a big boy bed. Since he never climbed out of his crib I kept him in there as long as possible. It was nice having him caged in for so long. He's done great though -he won't get out of bed on his own and still calls for me in the morning. I certainly can't get that lucky twice, right?
Family reunion on great-grandma's farm. I'm pretty sure there is a code being violated by having so many kids on a broken trampoline. Amazingly enough the kids stayed away from the hole and no one was hurt. There was even a spring or two that flipped off and managed to miss people and cars. Weird.

At the local parade. Whenever something cool came by Tyler whipped out his cell phone and said "Oh, I gotta get a picture!"

Then Josh threw a fabulous surprise party for my 30th birthday! It was so fun to have my family show up - I had no idea they were coming! I don't have any pictures of that yet, so I'll have to post those later.
That's our month. See you in July!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

That picture of Tyler taking apic with the cell phone is so cute!
I'll get you the birthday bash pictures soon! :)

Kendra said...

It's been a crazy month for us too and I haven't updated either! Doesn't help I don't have a camera, huh? Thanks for sharing those cute pictures.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I was laughing out loud at the monthly father son camp out. I so understand that! We drove straight through in the middle of the night, we are crazy. It was sad not to stop and see you guys. We will be close to you guys in 2 weeks. I will call you for more details. Ok sorry about the novel but one more thing...happy 30th and way to go Josh on the party, you need to post pictures of that.