Sunday, May 16, 2010

Runnin' Fool

This is all Josh has been up to the last couple of months. He ran Robie Creek half marathon in April and decided that since he was running so much he'd keep training for a full marathon.

Travis, Josh, and Spencer after Robie. So yesterday he completed his first marathon! Tyler and I got to watch here at mile 18 and then the route turned back around and it was mile 21.

Here he is running through the finish line. You can't see it very well, but he finished in 3:48 - very impressive to me! Josh and Brian after their first marathon - way to go fellas!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Great job Josh!!! That is WAY impressive! I guess you guys ran into Kaycee at the Y a while ago? She told me about it and said that when she first glanced over she was like, "wow what a ripped hotty!" and then realized it was Josh!!! She said she about died! I thought that was super funny--and cool!:)

Kendra said...

Love Lana's comment! Go Josh! What an inspiration you are (though, I'm not entirely inspired enough to do it myself). Way to go and can't wait to see the ripped hotty this week! Ha ha!

Candice said...

That is very impressive. I hope that one day I can be half the runner that Josh is.

Jana said...

Good job, Josh! We aspire to be all that you are someday.

summer said...

Holy Crap Josh that is fast. Teri actually we are coming to Idaho Falls this Sunday. We are going to Bear World on Monday. I'll have to call you.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

What an amazing accomplishment, go Josh!!