Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Tyler is anxiously awaiting his baby brother. I love the kisses he gives my belly several times a day.


The Benches said...

That is so precious! I love you guys! Can't wait for baby boy to come so we can meet him!!! Good luck!

Kim said...

good luck! can't wait to see this new little harris. Harris' are ALWAYS cute. something in the name:)

The Edstrom Family said...

so cute!!! we'll have to get our little men together after they arrive & swap stories :)

Brittani said...

Ooo I can't wait!!!

Jen said...

Ok, that is WAY too cute! I have to tell you that I've been thinking about you A LOT lately. My little bro is getting married and is looking for a place to live and I just keep hoping he can get into the Austin's place and have great neighbors like you guys. Hope you're doing good and good luck with the baby!

Melissa Snyder said...

Cute picture Terri! I hope that all goes well. Good luck with labor. He is going to be a great brother. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Kendra said...

How precious!! Was this taken right before you went to the hospital?

Nate and Lana Hope said...

That is such a cute picture! Love it! Tanner is darling! I am so glad he is here!

Hilary said...

Yeah....2 BOYS!!! Just like us!!! It is so fun and SO tiring!!! You will do great!!!

jenhatch said...

SOOOO cute! I love it when my kids pay attention to baby bellies!!!

Congrats Teri & Josh!!

jenhatch said...

SOOOO cute! I love it when my kids pay attention to baby bellies!!!

Congrats Teri & Josh!!