Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meet Tanner

Tanner was born nice and early Friday morning. He is healthy and we are so happy to have him here!!

Our 5 lb. 10 oz. little runt. Me in all my puffy glory.Our family

Tyler meeting baby brother. Heading home with the boys!


Kim said...

ohhh. he is perfect. and look at you right after delivery! You have a beautiful family Teri. miss you and good luck with ALL them boys:)

JANEAL said...

CONGRATS!! He is adorable! What does Tyler think of him? You're going to have your hands full now. I sure wish I could see you...miss you!

Kendra said...

Can't wait til we get to meet him! Hopefully soon. Sweet pics. If that was a hospital gown you were wearing, they sure have upgraded! Love ya!

The Enoch Family said...

Congrats! Sooo tiny. Nice for you he will stay a newborn for a while:) You don't look puffy, you look skinny.

Harris said...

Awww.. Congrats. He is adorable. You look fabulous too... umm I wouldn't call that puffy. You are too funny! What a cute little family :)

Kim and Heather said...

He is Beeutiful!!! Blogs are so GREAT! I love those pics of your fam.

Maranda said...

Congrats! What a little cutie (and I think you look great too)!

The Benches said...

I love him already. I can't wait ot meet him!!!

The Benches said...

I love him already. I can't wait ot meet him!!!

Amber said...

Congratulations Teri and Josh! We are so happy for you and your family. He is adorable and Tyler will be a great big brother. This next year is going to fly by.
Love ya, Jeff and Amber Moon

Eaton Five said...

Congratulations!!!! So excited for all of you!

Melissa Snyder said...

Congratulations!!!!! He is beautiful and so tiny! I am glad that all went well. You are a beautiful family. I am glad that Tyler likes his older brother. They are going to be such great friends. We wish you guys the best.

Ciara Slider said...

congrats teri! i can't believe you already had your baby! he is beautiful, your family is soo cute!

deatherages said...

I love Tanner! You are all beautiful!

Kaylee said...

congrats teri! he is beautiful! and you look SO good. I am so happy for you and Josh!

The Robinson Family said...

Congrats Teri! He is adorable. Small-just like my girls. Little babies are so much fun. Hope you are doing well.

Hilary said...

Congrats...Oh how I love two boys!!! Keeps you very busy I am sure. Nice to have a small one...Carter was my runt, Eli was my linebacker! 8lbs 8 oz.!!! Enjoy!!!