Monday, August 30, 2010

Brotherly Luv

We are loving having Tanner! He is such a pleasant baby and as of today he weighs 6 lbs. 8 oz.

I can't seem to get any other pictures because this is how Tyler is all day. He LOVES his baby brother and tells him that several times a day. If it would only stay that way... Tanner doesn't always love it.


Kendra said...

Oh my gosh, how precious!! It's so funny to see how big Tyler's head is compared to Tanner's. How cute! You guys are very blessed. Can't wait to see you on Thursday!!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Sooooo darling!!! I love these brother pics!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I have obviously been a HORRIBLE blogger....YAY. COngratulations, aht is the most exciting news. I love that these 2 boys have eachother forever. Built in BFF:) I hope your taking care of yourself. We miss you guys!

Jami said...

Congratulations! So fun having a newborn in the house. I've still got 9 weeks and am So excited to meet my new little man! I hope he's the best baby for you. It will make you want 7 more!

Melissa Snyder said...

What sweet pictures of your boys together. I love having a newborn in my home too. What a fun time for you guys! I am sure Tyler is jsut loving him to pieces.