Thursday, April 15, 2010

Favorite Things

I have discovered some great things lately that are too good not to share. Not until I was done with this post did I realize that everything revolves around food - I'll blame it on the child growing inside me. Hope you're hungry.

First up, OROWEAT SANDWICH THINS - love these little 100 calorie thingies. We use them for everything.....well anything that requires sandwich bread or a bun. I get them at Costco, but I see them at pretty much every grocery store now.

2) QUINOA - pronounced (keen-wah). This is an amazing food! Loaded with protein and other good stuff (google it if you want all the deets). I buy it in bulk at Winco, but I've seen a big ole bag of it at Costco. I've tried a few different recipes that are fabulous. If anyone has one for me let me know - I'm still experimenting.

3) BLENDTEC BLENDER. You may have seen the You Tube videos "Will it Blend". YES, it does blend EVERYTHING beautifully. My hubby is never in the kitchen and he has used this almost everyday since we got it for Christmas. Thanks mom and dad!

4) PLAIN YOGURT (Greek yogurt if I want to splurge). I substitute this for pretty much anything that calls for mayonnaise or sour cream. It's so versitile - love it! Get the greek yogurt if you want the added protein and a thicker consistency. (I'm sure there are other benefits too, but I really don't care too much at this point.) Otherwise a big ole tub of plain works lovely too. (I've never actually tried this brand but it was the only picture I could get to get the idea.)

5) Okay, last one. I LOVE the ZIP 'N STEAM BAGS. I use them all. the. time. I have a steamer that works great, but to throw some fresh veggies in these bags and pop them in the microwave for a few minutes is amazing! The smaller bags are even great for Josh to take to work in his lunch. There are recipes that use chicken and fish, but for now I think I'll stick to vegetables. Alright, that's all. I have some new favorite recipes I've tried too, but that will be for another day.


Jana said...

Thank you! Great tips!!

I DO have a quinoa recipe for you:

3/4 c. quinoa
1/2 t. salt
1 2/3 c. frozen corn, cooked
1 can (15 oz) black beans, rinsed & drained
3/4 c. salsa
2 T. lime juice
2 T cilantro - chopped

Combine quinoa with 1 1/2 c. water and heat to boiling. Stir in salt, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20-25 minutes or until liquid has been absorbed. Set aside.

In large bowl combine corn, beans, and salsa. Stir in quinoa, lime juice, and cilantro.

This is good as a side dish, but as more of a complete meal it's even better to add chicken and avacado. :)

Kendra said...

What the heck is quinoa? Is it like a rice? You should have made us some at Easter time. Anyway, I use my Blendtec everday too! Sometimes twice a day. I agree with the plain yogurt thing, never heard of greek yogurt, but I'll have to try it. Thanks to you, the Zip 'n Steam bags are my fave too! I can never find any size other than medium. I get kind of frustrated. Thanks for sharing and can't wait for the new recipes you'll share! Love ya!

Kim said...

I love the whole wheat 'thins'! i use them for everything too! toasted w/ homemade raspberry jam!! yummo:) congrats on the baby boy, WAY exciting!!

Eaton Five said...

Wow awesome ideas!!!! I am definately going to steal some of them!