Thursday, April 01, 2010

The Verdict

Tyler is going to have a.....BROTHER! We are so excited to welcome another little boy into the family!


Stanger Gang said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you, Josh and Tyler! Boys are so fun and the more the merrier, just ask Travis and Michelle ha ha! again CONGRATS! love ya!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

YEAH!!! SOOOOOO happy for you!!

Brittani said...

That's awesome! Congrats!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

YEAY! 2 boys together is the best thing in the world. Congratulations.

Rachel Johnson said...

Congrats you guys!! I am so excited for you all! Tyler is so cute and is growing up fast! Hope the pregnancy is going well!? Hope you guys are doing well. Stay in touch! Yeah for boys the will be good buddies! See ya!

Adams clan! said...

Wow awesomness. I haven't checked blogs forever and then I checked yours to find out your pregnant and having another boy! Yeah how exciting! Congrats! Love the golf cart Ty got for Christmas. Brady is jealous...Lol Hope all is going well!

The Benches said...

YEAH! I love it! We are so happy for you guys! Hopefully we'll see you sometime soon!

Love you!

Lacie said...

sweet! congrats guys! thats so exciting..its the bestest to watch siblings grow and play with each girls are best friends!