Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Before the Holidays

I was going to post this before we left town and couldn't get my pictures to post correctly. So, here is what we did BEFORE Thanksgiving came along.

Kate, Tyler, and Maren made apple turkeys! Josh ran another half marathon!

"Tibby" BROKE...it's about time! (For some reason that is the name Tyler has called it forever)So long Tibs! We'll miss you.


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Oh, that is sad that tibby broke! So cool that Josh ran another 1/2 thon! Awesome!

Harris said...

You guys have been busy. We are holding onto the binky for as long as we can! That is the cutest birthday ever!! I am impressed. It's never too early for golf clubs... the boys each have a set too :) Isn't it sad how fast they grow up?