Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grip It and Rip It


Kaila said...

Oh man, I love it. Maybe he will be the next Tiger Woods (but better) and make a billion dollars!!

Kim and Heather said...

That is sooooo cute!!

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

Adorable! He's too little to be hitting like that!

Michelle and Travis said...

Oh my gosh!! How cute! I bet you guys are having a blast with him!!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Are you kidding me?!?! That is to cute, a little guy after his dad!

Ciara Slider said...

That is soo great! He's totally a natural! You've got a little pro on your hands!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

I had to get back on here and tell ya how dang cute your little Tyler is! HE IS SO DANG CUTE! I love his cake! You are an awesome mom!

jenhatch said...

WOW, very impressive! That's such a fun thing ya'll can all go out and do together! I see LOTS of daddy-son days out on the course in ya'lls future!

Jami said...

That's awesome Buzz is in your ward. One day, Teri, I can make that drive. It would be so fun to see you!

keva said...

Teri Kay! I can't quit talking about seeing you today! It was really great! I'm so happy u haven't changed much and that we can talk forever! That was so fun!!! I can't wait to live by you so we can see eachother more! I just love ya! :)