Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Little T!

I can't believe Tyler is 2! We had family in town yesterday, so we celebrated early. He has been really into golfing and loves to go with us whenever we go, so it seemed very fitting to do a golf themed birthday.

For the last few months Ty has been saying "Daddy, I wanna go goffing...tomorrow."

But now he says, "Daddy, I NEED to go goffing...right now."

Maybe a little premature, but Josh couldn't pass up these clubs. If the weather cooperates we'll try them out today.
He loved all the presents he got (thanks Grandmas and Grandpas and Carson!) He went straight to the scooter and soccer ball when he woke up this morning.
Happy Birthday Tyler! We love you!!


Kim said...

Of course it had to be golf!! check out that cake. you're amazing!

Zenica said...

Wow what a great cake! Tyler look so cute with his little clubs. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

I'm so glad you posted a picture of the cake! That turned out really cool. Carson said it was the best cake he ever had and wants a golf cake for his birthday. How am I going to incorporate a golf cake with a construction truck theme party?

Liz said...

Will you make our cake next year? I can't believe how quick they grow up huh? I hope he practices a lot with those clubs so he can make you guys lots of money! haha.

Ciara Slider said...

I can't believe that Tyler is 2! He's getting soo big! His cake is really cute! Hope you guys are doing good

JANEAL said...

I can't believe he is 2 already! Look how cute those tiny clubs are. That's so cute that he loves golf. Very cute cake!

Brittani said...

that's awesome! I love it!

Michelle and Travis said...

How cute!! It's amazing how they pick up a sport they love so young!! He is getting big FAST!!

Bobbybuckeye said...

We can't be friends anymore. Why didn't you mention your amazing cake making abilities. It is absolutely fabulous. -Melissa