Thursday, September 17, 2009

Family Vacay

We went on a little family vacation to the Oregon Coast last week and had a great time! We stayed a few days in Portland with my aunt and uncle and then stayed a few days in Seaside. It rained a couple of days, but the rest of the time it was perfect!
Here are a few pictures from our trip (totally not in order):
Tyler in downtown Portland.
Josh holding a LIVE crab!
Josh and Ty walking on the beach. Tyler HATED getting sand in his toes so most of the time he was being held."Chunk want baby ruth?" The GOONIES house in Astoria!
Family pic at Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach.
Finally, on the last day Tyler was willing to dig in the sand...just a little. In front of the Portland LDS Temple. Such beautiful flowers!

Tyler and Uncle Bob looking at a giant turtle at the OMSI in Portland.

Not at all afraid to touch all the reptiles.

In front of the Pittock Mansion. Aunt Lorena and I toured it - it is AMAZING!

Tyler in front of Multnomah Falls.


Ilene said...

I am happy here in Idaho but posts like these make me miss Oregon.

Looks like you had fun and packed your vacay full of things to do. I am impressed.

Bobbybuckeye said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun. We totally all need to plan a little trip next summer with our families. I think it would be so fun (and maybe the only way that I will get my husband to take a little vacay).

Kim said...
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Kim said...

"Chunk LOVE baby ruth" LOL. love the goonies house. Looks like you had a fun filled vacation. And i love your blog, it's so scrap bookie. you're talented!

Harris said...

FUN! It is so nice to just get away sometimes. Cute family picture in front of the temple!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Looks like lots of fun! That cracks me up that Tyler didn't like his toes in the sand, but that touching a snake is no big deal! Funny kiddo!

Melissa Snyder said...

We were just in Portland also. We visited some of those same places. It is so beautiful there. Glad you had a good time.

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh!! Tyler is ADORABLE! What a fun vacation too. Love "seeing" you again.

summer said...

Oh my gosh what a cute lil guy. He made us laugh tonight and we needed a laugh. We looked at his cute pictures, the veggies and cereal. We miss you like always.

summer said...

Oh my gosh what a cute lil guy. He made us laugh tonight and we needed a laugh. We looked at his cute pictures, the veggies and cereal. We miss you like always.

The Johnsons said...

Makes me want to buy a ticket to go home now. I'm glad you had a good family vacation.