Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is He For Real?

Can ya guess who got a hold of these veggies?

I was picking goods from the garden yesterday and went inside for a couple of minutes. I should have known better. It looks like a dang animal was eating my food! Nope. Just my child.

In Tyler's defense...the pear looks real. (it's one of my decorations)


Jana said...

It seriously cracks me up so much that Tyler will eat anything and everything. It's hilarious!!

Kaila said...

at least you know he'll eat his fruits and veggies!

JANEAL said...

Haha...that's hilarious! He must not be a picky eater. If you'd feed him he wouldn't have to sneak and eat right out of the garden when you weren't!

Liz said...

I used to try and eat those fake rubber grapes all the time when I was little. I bet he was real disappointed the pear wasn't real! I wish Hailey would eat that much vegetables!

Ilene said...


And really, aren't children just another version of a pet?

Zenica said...

Hahaha. I'm so glad it's not just my kid. I had to put a lock on our fridge yesterday because Connor kept getting in and eating things.
The other day he pulled out a box of pizza that we had in there and took a few bite from a couple of pieces. I think it's a boy thing.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

That is soooo funny! Especially the pear! hehehehe! What an awesome little boy!

Melissa Snyder said...

Hopefully it will continue. I have tried and tried to get my kids to eat healthy and they just don't give in. What a cutie!

Ciara Slider said...

that is the funniest thing i have ever seen!

Mel said...

That is awesome!!