Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our Family

Our friend Melissa is just starting her photography business and wanted some practice. We volunteered and I must say, she is amazing! (if anyone in the Boise area is interested, leave a comment and I'll get you her information) THANK YOU SO MUCH MELISSA!!


Melissa Snyder said...

Thanks for volunteering to do that for me. Your sweet family was so much fun to work with. One day when I get really really good I will give you guys a free session. I owe you guys. Thanks so much. I hope you liked them.

Unknown said...

I loved the pictures, all of them. I want copies or upload them and I will print them off. Love ya, Mom

Liz said...

I love all of Tyler's cute little faces! You guys are a gorgeous family! Miss ya!

Ilene said...

What a handsome bunch!

Ilene said...

What a handsome bunch!

jenhatch said...

such a CUTE family!! She did an awesome job!! We SOOO need family pictures done, thanks for the reminder!!

Mchoneys said...