Saturday, May 28, 2011

Squishy Face

I cannot get enough of this kid and his squishiness!  Cutest little bobblehead I've ever seen.  


Brittani said...

Oh my gosh! I still can't believe I haven't met him yet! He is so flippin' cute!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

He is sooooo cute!!! I guess Kaycee has apicture of him from easter that Stacie says you would just die that it's so darling... hope you see it soon! :)

jenhatch said...

He is SOOO cute!! How is it sucking on those smooshy cheeks?!?

Now, about your comment... you of all people should know that I'm freakin HILARIOUS! ;) Laurie's a good friend of mine and I'm so proud of what all she's done with TJ. And so awesome to see some of my friends follow her.

The party was fun... and I always love helping her out and I feel pretty famous if I make it onto her blog! ;)

Glad you love BellyBites. I'll have to keep posting... and hopefully he'll grow out of the nuts thing... do they do that?

Hope all is well and tell Josh I said HI. And SO excited for Casey!