Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Summer So Far...

We are having a great summer and there is still another month and a half to go!  So fun!

Tyler took swimming lessons...big work in progress, but he can at least blow bubbles now (as long as water doesn't touch his nose or eyes).  
 The boys LOVE playing together.  They both get so excited when the other one is awake.
 Tanner just turned 11 months, has finally learned how to clap and wave, and has 8 teeth.
 My brother and his cute wife got married.  SO CUTE!  Love you guys!
 Isn't he so handsome?
Some of the cousins (missed you Carson!!)

 Family Reunion

 4th of July - I think Tanner has had enough.
 Yep, pretty sure...  (Tyler is a little concerned about his brother)
 Seriously, people?  Please take me home!
 Josh did his first triathlon.  However, they cancelled the swim portion the morning of the race so it doesn't count.  Sorry sweetie, gotta do it again.
 The boys loving their bath (Tanner is a fish and refer to the first picture for Tyler)
We went to the Boise Zoo!
 "I'm a turtle!"
 Tyler was completely calm with this snake in his face.  Because it was smaller than him and didn't make noise, he thought it was pretty harmless...until the guy holding it firmly told him not to touch the face!


Kim Walker said...

We've GOT to get together!!! SOON!!! You're boys are so adorable. Can't wait to meet Tanner;)

Jennette and Rich said...

Looks fun, you have two really cute boys on your hands!