Sunday, May 15, 2011

April and May at a Glance

My brother got married last month and I have been hoping to get a good picture of the two of them but this is best I could do.  Congrats Casey and Sadie!  We get to add so many new people to the family this year, I love it!

Tyler and Carsen stopped running around long enough to get a picture
 All the new cousins...minus Tanner
 A trip to Utah MUST include a trip to IN-N-OUT burger
On May 4th we celebrated out 10 year anniversary!  It is really weird looking back at our pictures.  I swear we haven't gotten any older.  
 We decided to ditch Ty and Tanner and do all the fun, active things we used to do before kids! On Friday we went to dinner and a movie and then Saturday we got up and played racquetball, then tennis, and then went golfing.  I was pretty dang tired by the end of the day, but it was a blast!

 Mother's Day was lovely.  The boys brought me a super yummy breakfast in bed.
 Me and my boys
 Last of all, Tanner turned 9 months.  That has flown by so fast!  He is a ton of fun right now and just loves to climb all over anything.  He laughs at everything Tyler does and tries to keep up with him.
We've had a busy month or two, but are loving every second of it!

1 comment:

The Benches said...

Love those kiddies of yours! You look so great Teri!