Thursday, June 18, 2009

You Can't Tell Me TV Isn't Educational!

For the first time the other day, Tyler sat through an entire "Sid the Science Kid" episode while I got ready for the day. (Don't judge. He really doesn't care to watch much TV and if he does, it's usually sports for about a 5 minute span.) When I went to check on him he wanted to show me how they would sneeze on their arm to keep germs off their hands. It's one of my favorite things he does - and he does it several times a day! (Please ignore the food and water on his shirt - lunch was smashed between the chair and his big 'ole gut!)


JANEAL said...

Oh that is just too cute! I love the big smile on his face when you asked him how to sneeze.

Kim said...

what a CUTIE!! PBS kids is the best. it's crazy how fast they pick up on stuff.

Kaila said...

That is so cute. He got so happy. Kate would watch Super Why while I showered and I swear that is how she learned her ABC's. TV is educational!!

Brittani said...

That was seriously the cuttest thing EVER!!!! LOVE it!

Ilene said...

This is why I let my kids watch a lot of t.v.

I can't stand in the way of my children's education now can I?

Mchoneys said...

Adorable! i love it!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

So funny! What a smartie! Natalie loves Sid the Science Kid too!

Jami said...

I leave on the 29th but am coming back the 23rd. Of course we'll totally miss each other, why wouldn't we? Last time we saw each other was that basketball game, wasn't it? I wish i could see you. I'll be visiting a little more often the next two years, so I'll just have to keep in touch. Love ya!

Jami said...

I leave on the 29th but am coming back the 23rd. Of course we'll totally miss each other, why wouldn't we? Last time we saw each other was that basketball game, wasn't it? I wish i could see you. I'll be visiting a little more often the next two years, so I'll just have to keep in touch. Love ya!

The Johnsons said...

I am all about the TV being an educational tool. (even though the things I watch probably aren't really considered that). So more power to you when you can actually have your kid learn something from it and then continue to do it several times a day. Task accomplished!! P.S. He is getting so big. He is such a cutie, looks very GQ in the pic before you start the video.