Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reunion on the Farm

Last weekend we had a family reunion on Josh's side. His Grandma Stockham is always excited to have everyone at the farm. It was so fun to see all the cousins and now there is a new generation of little ones which makes it that much better! Tyler has not stopped talking about "Gate Gamma big tactor" (Great Grandma's big tractor) since.

The men cooking the delicious dutch oven dinner. I wish I had a picture of how many dutch ovens there were!Tyler couldn't get enough of all the farm toys. He took anyone that would go with him to see the "big tactor". I don't have a very good picture of him in it. (dang)The golf tournament was great but the weather was SO disappointing! We all got soaked.Tyler's favorite people...Uncle Zach and Jen.
The kiddos LOVED picking eggs from the chickens!How many kids can fit on a trampoline?

Just chillin' at the picnic. (I was still freezing from golfing!)The Harris family with Grandma Stockham.


JANEAL said...

How fun! I can't believe Tyler is talking that much....DANG they grow up too fast!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Looks like fun! I LOVE Josh's shorts! They are super cool! Tyler is so cute! That was a lot of kids on the trampoline, it looks a little buckled! :) Josh has a really neat family! Not as neat as yours... remember that! :) Thanks for coming to Drake's b-day! It was pretty fast and furious, just like I like it! :) Guess what his favorite present is!??! Yep, this awesome lawn mower he got from a super cool kid named Ty Ty! :)