Thursday, June 11, 2009

He's Growing Way Too Fast!

This is what we've been up to lately. Parks, parks, and more parks. Tyler loves it when he sees outside toys and hates it when I drive right by without stopping. Such a mean mom! But this is his favorite thing to do at our neighborhood park - swing on the bar. He could do it for hours if I'd let him! I hope his little hands don't slip...


Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

Wow, he does look like such a big boy now! I can't wait to see you guys next weekend!

jenhatch said...

gee... you ARE a mean Mom! ;) Kidding... Nolan does the same thing when he sees his trike and I don't let him ride it or when he sees water and I don't let him go jump in it! I LOVE the boyness of it all. He's such a cutie!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

That is an awesome picture! LOVE it!

Harris said...

That is soooo funny. I am loving the shades. This is a classic picture. Seriously... why can't you just hang out at the park all day every day like a nice mom would?

Ciara Slider said...

He is getting so big! I love the sun glasses! Hope you guys are doing good!

Melissa Snyder said...

Thank heavens for parks in the summer time right! My boys love the park too. We have spent quite a few days at the park too. Horray for summer time. He is getting big and such a cutie!