Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Proud Daddy

Tyler is very into sports right now. Luckily the golf and "nennis" channels are right next to each other on TV so when the weather isn't cooperating we can at least watch it being played.

A little out of focus, but you can still see his amazing form - Josh is so proud!


JANEAL said...

I love how he says nennis and that he said he isn't good!...lol! Looks like he's going to be the next Tiger Woods.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

I LOVE IT! How cute is he?!?! That is perfect form... he is a natural!

Eaton Five said...

So fun!!! I am so very impressed with that swing!

Liz said...

So stinkin cute!

Michelle and Travis said...

I love that age! How fun!

the Cory family said...

I love little boys! So fun! Hey, I know this is total blog stalking but I looked at Casey's blog and saw that he might be interested in a nursing job in Utah. Both me and my husband are nurses in Salt Lake County. I work at Jordan Valley Medical Center and my husband works at the UofU. I did my preceptorship in the ER too! If he is interested we could have some hookups!

Kim Walker said...

That is hilarious! What an adorable boy you have! Oh my gosh, I HAVE to show that to Derrel. I can't wait until Grant is old enough to talk and play spports and stuff!

Mchoneys said...

Haha! That is so funny-what a cute little guy. I am not good at tennis either but I like playing!

deatherages said...

Great form while being cool. He is so cute!