Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My Hard Workin' Man

Just thought I'd let you all see how much Josh has done in the past 2 weeks. When he gets an idea, there is just no stopping him.

First step: Cutting out the sod. (less mowing = more quality time on Saturdays...good thinkin sweetie!)

Second: Build garden boxes. (a HUGE thanks to Dan for helping with this project!)Third: Plant a couple of trees. (Another HUGE thanks to Fisher for digging in the rain!)Wait....still not done: Minor detour on the initial plans -break out half of the patio. (I must admit, that was impressive!) To Be Continued....

We just had a ginormous pile of rocks dumped on our driveway - pretty sure I know what we will be doing for the next week. It can't take any longer than that because the curbing and patio get poured soon. What an ambitious fella I married.

In between all these projects he has been training for a half marathon that is less than 2 weeks away.

Keep up the good work dear, I'm here to cheer you on anytime!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

I would say VERY impressive! Good luck with the projects!

Liz said...

Talk about spring fever huh? Where's the marathon? Good luck with all the projects Josh, and have fun cheering Teri!

Michelle and Travis said...

Very ambitious!! Can you send him our way!

Ilene said...

I had the same idea for blogging the steps for our own garden boxes. I think it will be available to post NEXT year at the rate we are going.

And so I may just post your pictures on my blog and claim them as ours.