Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peanut Boy

We've had a pretty low key month or two. Here are a few things we've been up to.

We discovered Tyler is allergic to peanuts. I swore I was going to listen to "the Doctors" (I love that show) and wait until he was at least 2, maybe even 3 years old to give him anything peanut related. But I got impatient when all my friends were saying they gave their kids peanut butter at 9 months and they were just fine. So I felt like a paranoid mother and decided to give Tyler some. I waited until a Saturday when Josh was home just in case we needed to rush him to the doctor. We gave him some peanut butter and there was no reaction whatsoever. I was so excited and couldn't wait to make PB&J sandwiches. It was going to be so much cheaper than ham and cheese everyday.
A couple days later we had an activity at our church and ate some peanut butter cups. I gave one to Tyler and not 10 minutes later his lip started to swell and he was scratching his eyes. Luckily there were a few nurses around that helped us know what to do. His airway wasn't closing off so we watched him for a few more minutes and then decided to take him to a medical center just down the road. By the time we got there, he had huge hives all over his body! Poor little guy. They gave him a shot and this is a picture of him shortly after we got home.

His left eye was so puffy...okay, pretty much his whole face!This kid LOVES to golf! Everyday he wants to go outside and play "goll ball"We went to the high school basketball tournament a couple of weeks ago and Tyler put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance. Pretty much the cutest thing ever!My parents were so nice to let Tyler stay at their house for a few days. He got to play with his cousin Carson and loved it. He still asks for "Car" everyday. We'll have to pawn him off again soon!So that's what we've been up to. We can't wait for spring weather so we can enjoy being outside again!


Liz said...

wow, poor guy! I couldn't live life without peanut butter so I'm really sorry!

Adams clan! said...

Thats nuts! Thats something hard to be allergic to. I love the stuff! It has been along time since I have checked blogs and I can't believe how big Ty is getting. Such a cutie! How are you guys doing? Any fun trips planned? Do you face book?

Kaila said...

I'm sorry we all pressured you into giving him peanuts! It's so sad to see your baby have a reaction! We all need to get together again. I miss seeing everyone.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

That is scary about the Peanut's i am glad it all worked out. I love the golf picture, i bet that makes Josh so proud. Did you guys go somewhere fun while your parents watched Tyler?

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Wow! How sad that he is allergic to peanuts! I don't even know if Drake has had peanuts because all of us give him everything we are eating. This makes me paranoid and I will for sure not let him have any now! Poor Tyler! That's weird how both Carson and Ty share the same allergy, Oh well, a least reunion meal planning will be easy! :) LLLOOOVVVVEEEE the golf pic! He is sooo cute!

summer said...

Oh! the poor little guy. Jace is allergic to almonds. We actually tried to call or Nicholas did but didn't leave a message. So we'll have to try to call you on Sunday. Tyler is such a cutie. Miss you tons!

The Benches said...

Ag! I am so sorry to hear that sweet baby Tyler is allergic to peanuts! That is so crummy. We miss you guys! We'll be up for a while in May so we have to get together!


The Grover Family said...

He is SO stinkin CUTE!!!! I miss you so much, when are you moving back? Let me know next time you're down here K!!

the S family said...

Girl, I totally feel for you with the peanut allergy! Isabella is allergic to peanuts and eggs, but the peanuts are a lot easier to avoid. We do chicken nuggets and lots of cheese products instead of pb&j's. He is so cute with his hand over his heart! What a great little guy!