Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Here!

The greatest time of year has finally arrived! We love March Madness in our home and try to get into it as much as possible. After being ranked #21 in the nation on's leaderboard three years ago (yes me, not josh...and yes, I will continue to bring it up until the day I die) - the excitement of it all has escalated! We love to fill out brackets and keep track of all the games.

So, this year we thought it would be fun to invite as many people as we can to be in our group and whoever ends up in first place will get a prize. Probably a small prize, but nonetheless a prize. Go to this link: and in the search box type in HARRIS BLOG. If you don't already have an account (it's free), just sign up and fill in up to 3 brackets. I am still working on my other two. :) You only have a few days to do it so go now!

Thanks for playing!


Anonymous said...

I finally figured out how to get on this YEA! Your blog is soo cute! Tyler's getting so big! We are March Madness fans as well. We will try to get on! Good to see your family on the blog-its been awile!

Harris said...

That is such a fun idea. I will have to talk Beau into doing it with me. I'm impressed... #21.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

You are so fun Teri! I love your background to go with it. If i had a clue about any of it i would have joined along.....good luck.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

love it love it love it! So happy that someone is as nuts about March madness as we are! Trenton is so excited about the brackets! He wants to know what the prize is! :) Go Suracuse! (obviously I went for them, but we'll have to see how it goes!)

Ilene said...

You know what I think of when I hear March Madness? Sex.

Yeah, March Madness was smack dab during our honeymoon.

Was that too much information?

You know I will enter. However my brackets will be filled while I am doped up on cold and allergy medication so I may put BYU through to the Final Four.

Nate and Lana Hope said...


jenhatch said...

DANG IT! I visited your blog too late. {Reminder, keep up with my friends more often!} We LOVE March Madness at our house too. Love the brackets and love watching all the games. I'm not much of a sports watcher, but for some reason I always get into MM. And it's pretty much what made Shayne love me even more - seeing me all intently cheering on my teams. Anyhow, I've beaten him for 6 consecutive years, and I don't know why this year should be any different. I'm actually waiting for Shayne to finish putting the kids to bed so we can watch tonights games. Anyhow... sorry so long, but ya got me all excited!! Good luck to you, can't wait to hear how you do. And AWESOME 21st?! Seriously that is freakin awesome!!