Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Special Olympics

The Special Olympics World Winter Games came to Boise last week! It was so fun to go to the festival downtown and experience a few events throughout the week.

Tyler all bundled up not quite sure why he is out in 30 degree weather. I was all excited to get a great picture with athletes from another country, but the only team I could find on this particular night was an Alpine skiing team from Liechtenstein and they hardly spoke any English. So this was the best shot I could get after my attempt at talking to them!

The Flame!So I cut off the top of his head, but this Coca-Cola bear was the coolest thing!

At the floor hockey event we found a team from Kuwait. These guys were so fun and wanted to take tons of pictures. Especially with the babies. Tyler wasn't having it though - he screamed louder than I've ever heard him scream before because they kept taking him out of my arms.

Drake was a little more cooperative than Tyler.

USA vs. Afghanistan floor hockey. It's kind of hard to tell, but check out the size difference. It looked like 20 year men playing against 9 year old little boys. Who knows, maybe they were. USA vs. Egypt

At the speed skating event. This was the best picture I could get - the place was jam packed with people and we ended up sitting on the floor because the seats were full. At least it was the front row.
I loved this picture! The skaters are representing Chinese Taipai. Such a great experience for us to get to watch these wonderful athletes!



Ilene said...

No, it is the Chinese regular olympic team that enters in the unederage athletes.

simplycreating said...

I'm so glad you got to be involved with the special olympics. I watched about it on the news and wished we could have been there to watch some of it.

Harris said...

That is really cool. Looks like you guys had fun!!!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Love it! Teri, you are soooo amazing! I sure love you and feel so lucky to have you as part of my fam, and a friend! Thanks for being so supportive toward such a special event in our community! LOVE THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS! LOVE YOU!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Oh, Stacie changed her address and has added a few things so go through mine and get her new one and also Trav and Michelle's is called Draper seven, so add theirs too! :)

Marley Family said...

Teri I stumbled on to your blog! It's so good to see you happy. Your baby is so cute he looks so much like you!! You are welcome to view our blog at