Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Say Cheese!

How fun! Tyler has finally decided to smile in pictures instead of just stare at the camera. I didn't think it was possible.

Here he is saying "cheese". Thanks Grandpa Cranor for the cool train shirt - it fits perfect!
Tyler loves to carry around this racquetball racquet. And for any of you who don't check my friend Jana's blog - you missed out on the lovely picture she posted of my child. So I'll add it here too:
We were playing games one night and we looked over from the table and saw Ty trying to eat Lily's art - a marshmallow snowman. As many of you know, he will eat anything! Especially if it is right in front of his face.
Yep - you got caught!


Liz said...

I love the train shirt! He is getting so cute and big. I can't wait to hook up with you guys-even though it probably won't be for a while.

Ilene said...

Cutie Patootie!

Can't blame the kid for eating the marshmallows. Remind me to put all of my edible art pieces higher up on the wall before you guys come over next...

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I love all the different smiles he came up with. I love his little face, come see us PLEASE!!

the S family said...

He is so cute! I love the marshmellow pics!

Kim Walker said...

How cute is Tyler getting. What a cute boy. He's big. Grant's big, too. Boys just come bigger and grow bigger. we sure miss you guys. Next time we're out there, we'll call!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

He is soooo funny! Who wouldn't enjoy some free sampling when it's available! His smiles are darling!:)

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

I can't believe he's smiling for the camera after all the stuff we went through trying to get him to even look at the camera! I'm not surprised in the least about the marshmallow art eating, are you? He's too cute, though and we miss you guys.

JANEAL said...

Maybe if you'd feed that boy he wouldn't have to eat peoples artwork on their fridge! haha...what a cutie pie!

Harris said...

So cute! LOVE the smile!

Harris said...
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the Cory family said...

He looks so much like you Teri! He is growing up so fast!