Tuesday, December 30, 2008

White Christmas

Here are some pictures from our Christmas. We spent a few days in Pocatello with my family. Everyone was there this year and it was so cute to watch the cousins play.

Christmas morning: Ty found his basketball hoop Santa left. He was actually more interested in Ashley's kitchen set she got.
I loved Tyler and Carson's matching pajamas! They were so cute running around in them all day.
Grandpa and Tyler

Grandma and Tyler

I really don't remember the last time it snowed as much as it did. We went skiing on Friday and did a quick visit to the grandparents on Saturday but other than that we didn't go outside. Way too windy and freezing cold on that side of the state!

The boys were outside shoveling the walks and throwing snowballs at the window. Tyler and Carson thought it was so funny!

Of couse it ended up being a big snowball fight. (Todd, Chad, Josh, and Casey)

My mom bought these cute matching outfits for the kids so we could have pictures taken...yeah right. We tried coaxing Tyler with food.

Okay, give him a ball.That's going to have to do. Thanks Uncle Casey for taking the pictures!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Hey!!! What a fun Christmas! I noticed Tyler got a ball popper! Spencer did too. It is one of his favorite toys at therapy, so we grabbed one! How fun! Now Tyler can be familiar with something over here! :) Such cute sweaters for those cute Cranor grand kids! I can see Casey in Ashley, Todd in Carsen and Teri in Tyler! That is sooooo fun! I love it!

Jana said...

That last picture you finally got is really good! Looks like you guys had fun. I love your header on your blog!

jenhatch said...

Tyler is so CUTE! And tell Josh not to worry... he'll come around to the basketball thing. Kitchens really are cool for boys too! ;)

I love the cousin matching outfits, and I think the pictures turned out great. It's totally them (even though I don't "know" them know them... but I can imagine they're like mine!) and totally candid.

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

Cute post! Those pics did turn out cute even though the boys never looked at the camera. It'll be a fun memory. Don't forget to give me a copy of your pics from your camera.

Melissa Snyder said...

Looks like you had a great Christmas. I am glad you had a white one too. We were in Arizona with the hot sun eating oranges galore.
Your little guy is getting so big. We need to have another get together sometime soon. Happy New Year!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

What a fun Christmas being with all your family, I love this time of year!

Cameron Family said...

I am sure Josh was so excited to get him that little hoop and wondered what the heck was going on when he went straight for the kitchen. So cute! Glad to hear that you guys had a great Christmas...snow and all!

Penelope said...

Teresa! I found your blog through Mandy's, and I'm so glad I did! It's been so long. Your little boy is SO adorable! Thanks for sharing the cute pics of your Christmas!

Harris said...

The snow was totally crazy!! Glad you had a fun Christmas. My boys totally have a kitchen in their bedroom. Thats okay...RIGHT?

Ciara Slider said...

I love the first picture! Tyler looks soo excited! Hope your Holidays were good!

simplycreating said...

I'm so glad you had a great Christmas. I love the pictures of Tyler at the top of your blog, what a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Thanks for the blog comment. How's everything up there in idaho? Was good to see you at Christmas. hope all is well.