Sunday, November 02, 2008


Creative post, I know. But here are a few pictures from Halloween. Ty was dressed as a bee. He HATED having the hood on.


The Enoch Family said...

Yep, babies don't seem to like those hoods do they. lol. Lleyton wouldn't wear his either. How cute though. Hope you guys had fun.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

My favorite posts ever are seeing the kids in costume. Thanks for humoring me. He looks so cute!

J and J Bowen said...

Great costume!!! I love the sad, I'm being tortured face.

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

He did look cute. Even thought he didnt like it. Haha those silly kids haha

chelseareeve said...

Ya...he doesn't look so happy...but they will be great pictures to embarass him with when he is older...sweet...

Kim said...

He looked so cute. I loved your costume too, "Ice, Ice, Baby". i love that song. very clever!

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Hey just wanted to let you know that we are changing our blog to private so if you still want to read ours make sure and give me your email address. Thanks!

Cameron Family said...

Looks like he loves his costume....They are so funny when it comes to costumes sometimes. Very cute though.

Hilary said...

I love Halloween and how much fun it is for moms to put their kids in costumes. He is adorable and growing up so fast. I miss you guys.

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

Every time I see Tyler I want to eat him! The costume and the grumpy face just put me over the edge! Love it!

Harris said...

So funny. It seems like their costumes never last for very long!! He looks cute!!

summer said...

Hey guys,
Happy belated birthday Josh! I had a card and just didn't get it sent. I had surgery 4 1/2 weeks ago so I haven't been too on top of things. Nicholas and I have been laughing at your pictures, ty eating the duck nose and your ice, ice, baby. We love you and miss you tons.
Nicholas and Summer

Maren and Kurt said...

Josh and Terri- I found y'all on the Corrigan blog. Wow, Wilson Diamond flash backs. How the heck are you guys? Tyler is so cute! Check us out at

Ilene said...

Hey, he looks like me when I found out that you were going to primary.


How is that going by the way?