Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Football, Pumpkins, and Leaves

What a great time of year! I thought I'd share a few pictures from the past month. Tyler's favorite things to do right now are "muscles" and "touchdown". He usually puts these two actions together. Everytime he sees a game on TV or a football at the store, he throws his arms up in the air. I don't know if it's because he was born during this time of year and was forced to watch football during the first few hours, days, and months of his life...but I'm thrilled that he likes the game as much as we do!

He also loves pumpkins...they had these mini ones at Walmart - so cute!We went to the neighborhood park yesterday and there were tons of beautiful leaves! I had to get a picture. (Looks like I happened to dress him in the exact same outfit...plus he is in need of yet another hair cut!)


Amber said...

teri- I don't have your email address so or your address so this is my way of contacting you. Liz is coming up this week and we are going to have a shower for her and Hailey and just wanted to invite you. It's going to be at 1pm at my mom's house. If you can come great if you don't want to make the drive I totally understand. Let me know either way. Love ya,


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

It doesnt seem like taht long ago Nicholas was doing the muscle man. Pretty darn cute.

Angie Wycherly said...

Tyler, you are so stinkin' cute.

Harris said...

I love his muscles. I cannot believe that he is 1. I remember seeing you when we were both pregnant. He is super cute and it looks like you guys are having fun in Boise. Have a fun halloween!

Adams clan! said...

Oh was a little stud! To cute. He looks like he is wondering what all the leaves around him are and if he should touch them or not:)

Adams clan! said...

I tagged you!

Ilene said...

His muscles pose could definitely double up as a constipated pose too!

What a talented guy!

simplycreating said...

I think his muscles are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Monte would be so proud of the touchdown, already at this age. He is so cute. Love the Bee costume to.

chelseareeve said...

Super cute...now that is a smile...at least he likes this, even if he doesn't like the hood on in the other pictures...