Monday, June 02, 2008


So, I decided that it is time for Tyler to add more variety to his meals. The cereal, fruits, and veggies have been great but, being that we are not vegetarians, I was excited for him to try some protein via meat! I bought some chicken in a jar baby food and decided to give it a shot. Upon buying it I thought "this looks absolutely disgusting" so I bought it anyways. I opened up the jar yesterday, about gagged at the smell, and kindly put it in my child's mouth. I wish I could have got a picture of the look on his face because it said everything I was thinking. Needless to say I only gave him a few more bites and figured I wouldn't torture him anymore because if I wouldn't eat it, why make him? So then I ask...does anyone have any suggestions on good brands or types of meat to give a 2 toothed baby? Any ideas are welcomed!


the S family said...

Teri, you guys are adorable! Tyler is just so stinkin cute! My mom said she saw you, and I am glad you commented. What have y'all been up to?

jenhatch said...

umm, yeah, that stuff would make anyone yack. I felt SO bad giving it to my kids because it smelled and tasted so gross (yes, I actually did give it a try). I just give them really tender pieces of chicken and break it up so they can get use to the flavor.

Good luck! And thanks for the laugh and remembering my own kids faces as I gave them that nasty stuff!

Amy said...

I totally know what you mean. That stuff smells like cat food! What I did is I would mix in a little meat with his rice and veggies and make a little "dinner" of it. Owen also started eating stage three foods pretty early. But I definitely recommend NOT meat by itself, discusting!

J and J Bowen said...

Good luck My kid is 13 months and will have nothing to do with any I guess She is a vegetarian. I try to sneak meat in all kinds of way she always finds it and spits it out os throws it off her high chair. so we just try to find other protein sources. on of her favorites is wild rice? good luck she won't touch beans... every kid is funny and I'm just glad I have fun with mine!!! have a great day-nina

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I try to give them whatever we eat just realy small, some of that stuff is so sick...I wish I could have seen the picture.

Cameron Family said...

that is funny! Yeah the jar food can be pretty gross. I pretty much made all of Chases food and I would just shred chicken and feed it in sweet potatos and stuff. He usually would just end up what we were getting. I have tried the toddler foods though and have liked those. I always try them...just to see if they are even worth putting in Chases mouth....those work great, for when Ty gets older of course!