Wednesday, June 25, 2008

2028 Masters Champion

That's right. Tyler is a Masters Champ in the making. It was so cute, we went to the driving range tonight and Josh was very excited to get Ty golfing. He just sat and watched us the whole time...wait, isn't that how Tiger got his start? Anyways, I thought it was adorable.


JANEAL said...

You might as well teach him while he's young! How fun for Josh to have a little golfing buddy. Cute pictures!

Liz said...

Sweet! You have your retirement! Man, I wish we were there to go golfing with you!

Melissa Snyder said...

What a fun thing to do together. My husband takes my boys out golfing too. Cute pictures. Let's get together and play sometime. We live in Star. My email is

Melissa Snyder said...

Hey there,
Our phone number is 888-4208. Let's get together sometime and play. We have a swimming pool so it would be fun to have a BBQ and let the kiddos swim. Do you keep in touch with anyone else?

andrea garber said...

I am so so glad that you found us! I actually was thinking about you guys a couple of weeks ago. I am glad that you guys are doing well. Tyler is so stinking cute. I wish you guys were still here so that they could play together. I can't believe they are getting so big. It seriously feels like they were born a couple of months ago. Where does the time go?? Now we can be blogging buddies! Talk to you soon!

Cameron Family said...

That is SO funny and so cute! He is a little champ in the making that is for sure!