Friday, January 25, 2008

Best Pals

By the time Josh gets home from work I'm pretty sure Tyler is sick of being with mom. So, he and Josh have some great playtime. The other day they were so cute, I had to take pictures!

Tyler has graduated from sitting to standing on Dad's hands. Josh likes to show off to anyone who is willing to watch...actually it doesn't matter, he will show you anyways! Playing UFC. Tyler gets a kick out of it!

Submission hold!

When the playing was done Tyler got a few lessons from "The Dangerous Book for Boys"


The Dille Family said...

Hi Josh! I haven't been on your blog since the reunion this summer. Congrats on the new little guy! He's a cutie and it looks like you are a great dad playing and reading. I heard about Wayne's father in law passing away from my family in Wendell, but completely forgot the relation to you until I just read your blog. I am sorry! We are practically family!:) I'll check in more often. Take care!

The Benches said...

He is so dang cute! Jeff thought that it was pretty cool that Tyler is already wrestling with Josh!

Amy said...

That's so cute! What's up with UFC? Mike loves it too! Personally I don't get it. Owen gets so excited when Mike gets home! I love the way dads play with their kids, it's perfect.

miller family said...

hi teri, so cute!! tyler is adorable. we need to get together soon. we still have your x-mas present:) what great cousins we are, huh.

Cameron Family said...

He is so cute! I am glad that we got to see you guys at the Super Bowl party! We will have to get together again soon!

Liz said...

Hi Teri! I tagged you, if you want you can fill one out, but I won't be offended if you don't. Check out my blog to see your tag.