Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Winter Woes!

I wonder if winter is ever going to end. According to Punxsutawney Phil, there are still many weeks yet to go! Everyday I wake up and just hope that the sun will be shining's not. Just a few more inches of snow. In fact, on Sunday some churches were cancelled. Who ever heard of church being cancelled in Utah - the buildings are a block away! Unfortunately, ours wasn't one of them. Do you remember when you couldn't wait for snow storms so big that school was cancelled and you could play outside all day? To be a kid again! I wish I would have taken a picture of all the snow we have had over the last week but instead I just took more pictures of Tyler!

Ty got all dressed up for the Super Bowl Party!


The Johnsons said...

Teri-- he is so cute....i'm so mad I haven't seen him yet. I hope you have enjoyed every minute or most minutes being a mom. Sure do miss working with you. I hope all is going well. If you haven't visited my site lately (first of all I totally understand since it has been about 20 yrs since I updated) but just to let you know....i tagged you--do it if you like/have the time for it. Take care, Kim

Cameron Family said...

He is so cute! Chase is all I take pics of too now! You cannot help it when they are such cute kids.

Kim Walker said...

I hear ya! The other day, it was 5 degrees here and the windshield was -10 degrees. It was so windy a big pine tree in our neighborhood was uprooted. Whoa! I want spring so badly. Did you see our blog yet? We're having a BOY! That's right. Derrel's pretty excited and proud of himself-you know how that goes. Cute pictures of Tyler. It's so fun to have a little baby. Then they grow up. . . . . Sure love 'em.

Amy said...

I remember when Owen was first born. I swear that was the longest winter of my life. I got the worst cabin fever! I wanted to get out of the house so bad, but it was so dang cold out. I can relate fully to your dilema. It gets a little easier to take them in the cold when they're older.