Tuesday, October 16, 2007

One week and counting...

Counting down to no sleep and our lives being totally over...so we've been told. Here is one picture of 8 1/2 months. A lot of people have commented that I have swallowed a basketball, so we had to compare. Yep, more like 2 or 3 basketballs! The official due date is October 23rd but we will see how right on that is. Anybody want to wager a guess? We will be sure to keep you all posted!


the Cory family said...

What a cute picture! You look so good pregnant! I can't wait to see what your little guy looks like! Good luck! I bet you will have him on October 24th!

Jana said...

No- you are smaller than a basketball and I hate you for it! JK! You're so cute-- let us know when he comes!!

The Jones Family said...

I wish I looked that good pregnant! We are so excited for you guys!

Amy said...

Love the baby bump! You are such a beautiful pregnant woman. You look great. Your life won't be totally over. The first 3 months you won't do much but after that, it's a blast! What are you going to name the little guy?

Kim Walker said...

Well, I'll have to guess October 24 for that is the best day in the whole year (my birthday)!!!