Monday, November 01, 2010

Our October

Our October was a very busy one full of family and fun times!

Tyler and his two cousins Ashley and Carson. (Tyler split his head open on some cement behind our shed. Luckily it just needed a butterfly bandaid).Tanner's blessing day.

Tyler's 3rd birthday! Nothing but Toy Story for this little man! Thanks to all our family who came for the fun weekend.

Josh turned the big 3-2.
On Tyler's official birthday he wanted to go to Old McDonalds (aka McDonalds) and the local game center. It's great that he will ride the rides without even putting a quarter in.

We signed Ty up for a little class called "Amazing Athletes". He goes once a week and LOVES playing all the sports.Here he is on the speed ladder.

And of course, Halloween. Tyler insisted that I be Jessie and Josh be Bullseye. We had fun coming up with the costumes!

Tanner had no say and he was an adorable monkey.
Our friends had a great Halloween party - thanks Wycherlys!
Family pic


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Sooooo Cute! Looks like a super fun Halloween!

Ciara Slider said...

i can't believe that tyler is 3 already! geez! your costumes are very cute!

Kendra said...

Love, love your costume, Teri! You guys look awesome!