Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I guess that's what we get for Tyler being only one of three grandchildren on my side and the ONLY grandchild on Josh's side....one spoiled kid for Christmas.

Santa is very grateful that there is no pressure on him yet though.

Thanks for this AWESOME golf cart Grandma and Grandpa C! And thanks for the car I've always wanted Grandma and Grandpa H!

Really, how could you resist this face?
Now we just need some warm weather to enjoy all the fun toys!


Liz said...

How FUN! Tyler looks like he's getting tall. Missed you guys at the christmas party...party poopers! haha. Hope you have a super fantastic New Years!

Latu said...

Teri! I just ran across your blog, Your son is so adorable, and it looks like Christmas was a blast!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Oh, he is toooo cute! Who cares if he is spoiled rotten! That cuteness deserves it all! So glad you had a great day!

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

That is the coolest golf cart I've ever seen! He must've been a good boy...

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Teri Teri its been way to long and you are much over due on a blog post. We need to see that cute boy and his cute parents!!