Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We have had a very busy July so far and are loving every minute of it! We spent 4th of July on the farm. Tyler had his first experience lighting fire works and he LOVED the pop-its. But what kid doesn't?

Waiting for the big show.
The next day Tyler and I continued on to Eastern Idaho and spent a week with my family. The main reason I went was to see my good 'ole college roommate Hilary from Michigan! She was coming through for a family reunion and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see her. It's been too many years!

And look what she brought me! I LOOOVE my new bag! HERE is her website - go check out her cute bags.

Also while there I decided to do a bedroom makeover for my parents ("Design on a Dime" style) and somehow talked my brothers and sister-in-law into helping out. It was definitely a project, but I had fun doing it. I'm pretty sure they were just happy to see me go by the end of the week!
AFTER:AFTER: (My wonderful cousin LIZ did the vinyl lettering monogram. Thanks a ton!)BEFORE:AFTER:We hit Lava Hot Springs swimming pool while we were there too. Tyler found Ashley's goggles!Last weekend we went camping again. The weather was perfect and I couldn't get enough of that view!It's hard to see, but Tyler and Kate are holding hands over by the tent. SO CUTE!Cam, Lily, and TyLily (holding Mr. Calapitter), Annie, and Tyler


Jana said...

It's calapittar, T, get it right! :) Cute pics...send them to me.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

I LOVE your moms room! Does Liz have a vinyl machine or something? Great job, and I'm sure the fam loved to help!:) Do you want to design dime my family room? It's the only room I hate in my house! That and the couches inthe living room! HELP! :)

JANEAL said...

Looks like you are having a fun filled summer!

Kendra said...

Great job with the before and after pics. Her room does look great! My house is next... on your next visit of course!

Ilene said...

Your parents' room looks great! The pillows are perfect. Color me impressed.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Will you come to my house next? The room looks awesome. I also can't beleive how blond Tyler is getting, what a hansome little guy he is!

Melissa Snyder said...

Hey Terri,
I just got your comment on my blog and I am not sure how to get a hold of you. I don't have a phone book, probably should get one of those, and I dont' have your email. Let me know. My phone number is 888-4208 or my email is chilenachica02@yahoo.com. We will get a time set up to take some pictures if that is what you would still like to do. I am doing them for free right now until I get good at it. Thanks!