Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Last weekend we went camping with a few friends. (Tyler and Lily)

It was so COLD at night, but a lot of fun and hopefully we can do it again soon...well, as soon as we get a bigger tent so I don't continually get kicked in the side from Tyler because the only spot we have for him is in the middle of the flat air mattress. As you can probably guess, there was very little sleep that night.

I had no clue this kid was so dirty until I caught a glimpse of his face by the fire. I'm glad the flash worked in the tent - I've never seen him with dirt on his face!
Our family (awkward picture - it was the best we could do)
The Wycherlys
The Taylors
The Atwoods

The best part: S'MORES. Dang, those tasted good! All the kiddos loved them as well.

Tyler is really starting to think he's funny. It's funny.


Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Tyler is growing up so much! Looks like a fun camping trip. We are doing that same thing this weekend. We are excited! Looking at your pictures made me that much more excited. So thanks!

Kaila said...

looks like fun. I feel like we missed out so we are coming to the next one!

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

That looked like a lot of fun! A lot cooler than our camping trip. Tyler is so cute I can't stand it! You need to send a picture in to the Parents magazine.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I like that Josh is in the pictures after you said all the kids loved the smores! I hope you had a better night sleep this camp out! A new tent and a new mattress maybe!?! :)

Jana said...

Cute pictures Teri...I'm stealing them. I love that one of Tyler and Lily...what were they doing?