Monday, April 20, 2009

Robie Creek

He did it! Josh ran a half marathon. Supposedly it's the toughest half marathon in the northwest...just sayin'. :)

Not only do they charge you to run this grueling race, they also charged me to take a bus to the finish line to get ONE picture of this dumb car that decided to drive down the mountain right next to Josh as he was finishing.

I totally should have jumped on the hood and got some great shots all the way to the end...why did I not think of that before? Oh well.

He did an amazing job (2:02:31) and I am so proud of him!
WAY TO GO BOYS! Nate, Josh, and Josh


Nate and Lana Hope said...

Sooooooooooooooooo AWESOME!!! COngrats! That is an awesome time and a hard race to run! GOod Job!

Ilene said...

Congrats! That is really ambitious.

I thought of Josh running the half marathon as I was lounging on the couch eating leftover Easter candy.

And I wonder why I can't even jog a 100 meter dash.

Liz said...

Congrats...when's yours Teri?

jenhatch said...

GO Josh!! And I'm with you Liz (who I don't know), when's yours Teri?

But I guess someone's got to take care of the little man so the big man can run. {yeah, that's the excuse, right?! '}

Corrigan Clan said...

Josh you are one hot dude. . . or should I say White Chocolate you are one hot dude. That is awesome. We, along with Teri, are proud of you too son.

Love Shane and Kate

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!