Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Easter

We had a great weekend! On Saturday we had dinner, colored eggs, and had an Easter egg hunt at the Hope's house. (Thanks for hosting Lana!)

Tyler is trying to figure out why his egg is blue.
Tyler loved looking for the eggs and caught on pretty quick to what he was supposed to do. He especially liked the ones that looked like basketballs, footballs, golf balls, soccer balls and baseballs. He couldn't care less if it had candy - he would rather throw them or hit them with his golf club. Tyler, Natalie, Sydnie, Shelbie, KayceeThis was one piece of candy Tyler wouldn't let go of. Thank you STACIE for giving him this ring pop that he believed was his binkie for the rest of the night. It was so hard to pry it out of his mouth when we got home. Easter morning. Tyler LOVED his "ma mow" (lawn mower). He pushes it around everywhere and will even give up food to play with it. Shocking...I know.

On Sunday after church (being a rookie mom I totally forgot to get a picture of Tyler in his Easter clothes) - we had dinner with Josh's family and they were so excited for Tyler to find more eggs. The perks of being the only grandchild.

Every egg to himself!

Thanks to everyone for a great Easter! Especially Grandpas and Grandmas!


Nate and Lana Hope said...

So glad you had fun! Loved having you here! Join our circus anytime!

JANEAL said...

He looks so cute pushing his little lawn mower. Just dress him in his Easter clothes and take a one has to know it wasn't taken on sunday :)

Liz said...

It's crazy how big he's getting, and he just gets cuter too! Miss ya.

Ilene said...

Please, I didn't even get my boys Easter clothes.

Laura, however, has about three Easter dresses.

I wonder who is my favorite child?

The weather is supposed to improve soon. Let's definitely get together.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Oh i love the Easter pictures, he looks so cute! Also wow, Josh is ambitiou, half marathon and all of the updates in the yard. How exciting. Are you ready for # 2 yet?

Corrigan Clan said...

Get out, Camden has the exact same Easter basket. . . Target? It's the best because it is orange we use it for Halloween too. Sweeet.