Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mr. Cool

We found these sunglasses yesterday that Tyler got from my parents last year. He would not take them off. From 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (except for a nap) these were glued to his ginormous head. I only say that because we found out on Monday that his head is in the 93 percentile!

So, needless to say, they leave some pretty good marks around the ears but he loves them and I'm not about to take them away.



Zenica said...

Very cute I love kids in sunglasses.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

What a stud muffin!

Ilene said...

Put him behind a piano and put a tip jar out.

Tommy's favorite glasses are these hideous pink ones they got from Burger King. He looks more Elton John than like Tyler's Billy Joel.

Jackson had a 90th percentile head too. I think the first borns come out that way to torture their mothers.

Harris said...

So cute! Don't worry my kids have big heads too! It just means they are really smart. Right? I can't believe he left them on for sooo long! What a cute little boy!!

JANEAL said...

What a cute little cheeser! I can't believe he wore them all day. Carter's head was always in th 90th percentile too.

Jen said...

Now that is cute!

jenhatch said...

SO cute! Nolan had the same obsession with his sunglasses - but that's past. Except when he's in the sun and really needs them. And hey, he's got a big head too (97th percentile)... maybe it runs with boys with big heads. ;)

But don't you love how something so small can make them so happy!?!

Brittani said...

Seriously, what a stud!

Corrigan Clan said...

He is such a cute little man in sunglasses. He is getting so big and don't worry about the big head, the Corrigans can totally one up you on that.

summer said...

Hey don't you remember Jaces HUGE HEAD! He is growing up and so cute.

Adams clan! said...

I love his little smiles... so cute and getting so big. I wanted to come see you guys but it was so short and crazy. We need to get together next time one of us is in the others city, that would be way fun! How is everything? I dont get on my blog to often having 2 kids is so fun but busy busy!