Friday, December 12, 2008

Once There Was a Snowman

Tyler's favorite word right now is "noman". He walks all over the house saying it and gets so excited when he sees one in the store. But, since we can't seem to get any snow around here we decided to make one out of Play-Doh. There are blue snowmen...right?

He also likes to say "Ho Ho Ho" whenever he sees a Santa. So I tried to get it on video. You can hear the little "noman" at the end too.


Liz said...

oh my heck i love his ho ho ho. It's all deep and slow, so cute. Sorry we won't be up at christmas to see you!

JANEAL said...

Oh so cute!! I love the ho, ho, ho. You're going to have a blast with him at Christmas!

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

That is just to cute! love the ho, ho, ho. That is so fun! Hey we did want to send you a Christmas Card what your address?

Todd, Kendra and Carson said...

How freakin' cute is that? I can't wait til you guys get here for Christmas! We're going to have so much fun! Did you use your phone or your digital camera for that video? Something else I need you to teach me...

Jana said...

That is freakin' adorable!! love him.

Ilene said...

As long as he says "ho, ho" to Santa and not to the ladies.

Have fun at the ward party without me. Oh, wait, that would be impossible.

By the way we made it to Utah without any puking action. Huzzah!

Harris said...

So cute!! I LOVE the blue snowman. What a cool mom!

Cameron Family said...

So cute! I love when they start saying words. Chase loves snowmen too. His favorite book right now is, "Snowmen at Night."

The Grover Family said...

That is so cute, Koy does the same thing only he says Santa, to everything. He didn't like the real santa at the mall though. I think we we are going to come up sometime in Jan, I'll have to let you know this time. Oh and Chiara gave me your real number so I'll be able to get ahold of you.

Mchoneys said...

That is the cutest thing I have ever heard! hahaha. I love it

Kim said...

what a cutie pie! He is going to love the snow...once it comes that is! Hope to see you in poky.

jenhatch said...

SUPER cute! I love the little way his mouth moves.

And no snow!? Don't ya'll live in Idaho?! Isn't there some law against it NOT snowing? I know said law was in place when I was in school there! ;)

Melissa Snyder said...

What a cute video. He is getting bigger and bigger. Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Can you even handle his cuteness? I sure can't. I love his age and way to go on the snowman!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Oh my heck! That was so cute! Did you make a real one this week yet? How does baby Ty Ty like the snow?

deatherages said...

That is adorable!