Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hodge Podge

Here are a few things we have been up to. A couple of weeks ago, the weather was absolutely gorgeous so we packed up Ty and headed to a local golf course. It was beautiful with the fall colors that surrounded us! We were paired up with two other guys and I'm sure they were thinking "oh great, we are stuck with a girl and a baby!" But Tyler did awesome and just watched the entire 9 holes.

Last Saturday we left Boise nice and early to get to the BYU game. What a perfect day for football! Kind of a boring game, but it was fun to take Tyler to his first game plus we had some great company. We really wish we could have seen more people while we were there.Playing ball with cousin Kandace


JANEAL said...

That's great that he'll just sit in the golf cart and watch....way to train him early! I was so glad I got to see you (even though it was very brief)....Tyler is so adorable!

cathol said...

wow your cake for Tyler party was so dang cute and it was so fun to see you guys the other night at JCW's!

Zenica said...

We were at the game as well. It's too bad it really would have been great to see you guys.

chelseareeve said...

I LOVE that you have a blog and I LOVE that we can keep in touch this way. I wish we had good weather here, I feel like it's been ok, but still cold. I also love that you guys take Ty to golf, that means you aren't giving up the things you love just because you have a go girl...

Ilene said...

You golf?! Don't tell my husband. He thinks I'm super cool for being into football and basketball. If he knows that there it is possible for a woman to like college sports AND likes to play golf, his image of me might be somewhat tarnished. I can't have that.

I think you need to pick up a new hobby like um, collecting thimbles. That isn't so cool and would make me look better.

Thank you.

chelseareeve said...

I just went private and I don't have your email address for some reason. My email address is if you send me your address, I will add you to view my blog...thanks...