Sunday, November 30, 2008

Giving Thanks on the Farm

We had such a great Thanksgiving! It is always so much fun going to Grandma's you can see from this first picture. Uncle Caleb and Tyler could hardly contain themselves.

We really do have a great time. A lot has changed since Grandpa Stockham isn't with us anymore, but we were excited to show Tyler as much as we could.
First stop...the tractor. Where'd the cows go?

At least we saw some chickens.

Thanks Grandma Stockham for having such a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner!


Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Wow!! I cant believe how big your little guy is getting. Looks like a fun thanksgiving! hope all is going well for yall. We still miss ya here:)

Liz said...

That sounds so fun, and the weather looked nice too! I can't believe how big Tyler is getting. Miss ya!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

Looks like so much fun! Tyler is such a cutie!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

Cut Thanksgiving pictures, I also LOVE the top one!!

Harris said...

So fun!! I cannot believe how big your little guy is getting. His hair looks totally blonde in some of those pictures. So cute. Glad you had a fun Thanksgiving. The boys would love to hang out on the tractors!!