Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Baby is 1!

I can't believe how fast a year went! I hate to see Tyler grow up so quickly, but at the same time I love to watch him learn new things everyday! I figured with a boy there is a good possibility of having a lot of "sports" and "truck" parties in the future so I decided to do something that I knew I could only pull off once. I threw him a "duck" party. (Since that was his first official word - I thought it was cute!) And by "party" I mean just with Grandmas and Grandpas...since they are really the only ones who care that the babies turn one! Besides Mom and Dad, of course. Here are a few pictures from the day.

The cake:Ty very intently reading his card.What's in there?Chowing down on the beak!The lovely mess! He actually didn't do too bad. I think I made more of a mess cutting it up than he did eating it. Enjoying the gifts!

It was fun to be with our families - thanks for coming!


Cranors said...

What a great Cake for his Birthday, it looks like he loves his new toy. You guys take care.

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Tyler! I love first birthday's. Good job on the cake, who knew you were such a skilled baker among all your other talents!

JANEAL said...

I can't believe he is one! I feel like such a horrible friend because I still haven't seen him and now he's one. Hopefully I'll see him before his next birthday. Cute cake! I love the picture of him eating the beak.....what a cutie! It looks like he enjoyed his birthday.

Colleen said...

way cute cake. i love it.

Liz said...

You are one of the only people I know who could bake a duck cake and it actually looks like a duck! Sounds like a way fun day for the family. He gets cuter every day I swear!

Nate and Lana Hope said...

He is the cutest one year old! The cake turned out awesome! It was fun to see your parents and Todd and Chad!

Mel said...

That is crazy he is 1!!! Happy birthday.

Nate and Lana Hope said...

oh, i tagged you on my blog, check it out!

Ilene said...

Happy Birthday!

This next year will be nothing but fun, I promise. I LOVE babies but this next phase is fantastic.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

You have had lots of celebrating lately! Happy birthday to Tyler and Josh. I cant believe he is already 1, it goes SO fast...well most of the time anyway.

the S family said...

That duck cake is awesome! And he is so cute eating the beak, he looks like he is kissing it! One is such a fun age!

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

Wow!!! he is already one! That is so crazy. I feel like it wasn't that long ago that we saw him for the first time. He is a cute. Happy Birthday Tyler! I love the birthday cake. very cute.

The Grover Family said...

AMAZING! Has it really been a whole year? I keep trying to convince myself that Koy will never turn one but I don't think I'm really that powerful. But seeing Ty's party makes it much more real! You seem to be in pretty good spirits though... I don't think I'll get out of bed on his brithday! MISS YOU!!!!! -Linds

Jana said...

Teri- That is the cutest cake I've ever seen! You are such a good mom. (Not that making cute cakes makes you a good mom). Happy Birthday Tbone junior!

deatherages said...

What a big boy! So cute and I am also a big fan of the cake! Way to go Momma!

Melissa Snyder said...

Their first birthday is always a huge deal. Don't they grow up so fast? Thanks for sending us your phone number. I will try to call you tonight and let you know about our pumpkin carving party.

chelseareeve said...

So super cute...I love these picutres...he is getting so big.

The Johnsons said...

Wow you have had a lot of people comment. Way to go on that cake, martha!! I'm impressed. ..when I have kids and they have birthdays, will come make their cake cute? P.S. I'm working in the nice red brick buildings that are right in front of Dr. Asay's place. I work for four doctors--Dr. Francis, Hadley, Marshall, and Wright. I love it there. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, I know I'm not as popular as you but I appreciate the small gesture you made to such a peon like me. :)

jenhatch said...

how CUTE! I love the duck theme! And you're right... you won't be able to do that much longer! And DON'T tell me you made that cake!? Amazing!! He's such a cute boy! And I love him eating the money!

Rachel Johnson said...

Teri did you make that cake? That is way too cool! Tyler is so cute and he is getting so big. I care about your little boy and if you did have a 1 year old party I would have come to it!! Anyways, we have to get together soon! Talk with you later!