Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Firsts...aka Brag Post

Tyler took a whole 5 steps on his own today! Forget crawling...although he did figure out how to crawl about 4 days ago, it is way too much effort and he knows that walking is so much more fun!

He also figured out how to clap and for the last two days has clapped at everyone he sees...right after he waves to them.

Besides "dada" and "mama" Tyler's first official word was "guck" (duck) soon followed up by "gog" (dog). He will recognize those anywhere. (This is kind of a creepy weird looking duck if you ask me.)
Ty went to his first "Thunderbirds" air show. He is always pointing out things in the sky so we thought it would be fun to take him. Josh grew up going to these shows and was excited to take Tyler.

You can kind of make out the "Thunderbird" planes in the background.Can't figure out how to crop this darn kid's head...they did some incredible tricks!


JANEAL said...

It's so fun when they start talking. If he's anything like Carter he'll never stop talking once he starts...LOL!! I can't believe he's just going to skip crawling and walk. What a cutie!

Ilene said...

Now he just needs to learn how to say "go ducks" and he will be the coolest kid ever.

Just hang out with us a little more and he will definitely get the hang of that phrase.

LOVE that he is walking! He didn't want to waste his time with little kid stuff, huh?


Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I love his age, look how much fun you guys are having with him. I just love it!

The Enoch Family said...

Hey Teri it's been awhile. I found your cute blog ... Ty is getting so big. Lleyton isn't walking or talking yet. I can't wait until he can. How cute! Check out our blog sometime.
I would love to keep in touch,

Hilary said...

Ter . . . Ty is so adorable. Carter learned to walk and now he runs away from me. I love this age though. The bags are for sale and the BIG bags are $45 and the 1/2 size smaller ones are $35. I love mine and use it all the time. I am improving them all the time, ie pockets for sippies, binkies, medicine, etc.

Adams clan! said...

Wow Ty is growing up so just wait and you will be chasing him. What a sweetheart! I hope you are doing great! Miss you here!