Friday, August 22, 2008

More August Fun!

It feels like we have been gone all of August. One more week and we have football season...which we are extremely excited for, but I can't believe the summer is almost over.

Last week I went to Utah for a wedding while Josh went on his annual hiking trip with his dad and brothers. I don't have any pictures from that yet, but here are a few from our other adventures.

Tayton babysitting Tyler at the Mt. Timpanogos temple during the wedding.
Congratulations Brooke and Zac!
Hanging out with Jade
All tuckered out after a hard day of play.
Staying entertained during the LONG car ride home

Our first visit to Eagle Island. This is such a fun little place and only about a mile from our house. I'm pretty sure we'll be spending a lot more time here!Can't get much better than the White Trash Festival...I mean, the Western Idaho Fair!Waiting to see "Chicago" in concert. Tyler and Ava having a good ole time...can I get another pronto pup?


The Grover Family said...

Hey ya big jerk, how dare you come to utah and not even let us know!! I would totally tell you if I came to Idaho! JK but really next time that happens I better hear from you. PS- the doc was even out of town so you would not have even had to see him. I can't believe how big Tyler is, can you even believe they will be a whole year old soon it just makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it. Look forward to seeing you!!

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

You were in Utah and you didn't come and say hi! Haha no your good no worries;) we do miss your little family though. Looks like you have been having a lot of fun. Your little guy is getting so big. He is a cutie!

Ilene said...

Um, what is Eagle Island? You went to the fair too?

I think I am too boring to be your friend.

In Eugene, OR there is a fair called the Oregon Country Fair. Sounds cute, right?

Nope. It is a hippie-fest filled with pot-smoking nudies running around. The smell of b.o. mingled with incense and spattered with a lot of tie-dye makes for quite the sensory experience.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

That looks like a fun months. He is still the cutest little guy. When will you be back this way?!