Thursday, August 07, 2008

Family Reunion/Island Park

This last week we had a couple of family reunions. If I knew how to do a slide show, I would. But oh well. We were in Eastern Idaho for the first one and it was so fun to see everyone! Here is Tyler with his cousins Ashley and Carson. This is the first time they have all been together at the same time - so fun! Getting a picture of all three smiling...not happening.
Me and my brother Casey
We took Tyler to a petting zoo and this monkey was so funny. She kept looking at him and "talking" to him. It was like they had some weird communication going between the two of them.

Tyler with Uncle ToddWe also went camping in Island Park. I grew up camping there, so it was a lot of fun to take Tyler and show him all the stuff I used to do. (yes, I realize he won't remember it).
Josh getting ready to go fishing

Josh and all my brothers

Me with my sis-in-law Kendra and nephew CarsonMy "Happy Gilmore" castTyler actually found a few naps during the week...thank goodness!

Me and my GINORMOUS brother Cody (really the bank of the river sloped really bad and we were standing there and realized that he looked HUGE! He is already 6'4"...this makes him look even more freakish!Tyler cooking with Grandma"CHEESE" Carson was so dirty, but so cute!Lauren with Tyler. She was such a good babysitter and this is the one person that Ty actually would go to.Check out those brook trout!I really liked this picture of these two looking at the river.Tyler with GrandpaJosh and me fishingMe and cousin Liz


Unknown said...

Wish I could have seen you when you were coming thru. Hopefully next month I can come to Boise! That's funny about the monkey talking to Tyler.

Jana said...

gosh, looks fun. We're leaving on Sunday for Island'll have to tell us what to do!

Jana said...

Tyler's so freakin' cute.

Ilene said...

Did I see pictures of your baby in a WHITE onsie whilst camping?

My kids can't keep a white t-shirt clean when they are in the house all day.

Color me impressed!

Liz said...

wasn't camping a blast? I miss you guys already. Thanks for taking me fishing with you! I can't wait for next year and hopefully Jeff will be there too!

Kim said...

I have being sooo far away from Island Park. I love that place. Looks like you guys took advantage of all the fun stuff to do. Fun, fun!! going to the class reunion??

Kim Walker said...

Ya know, I'm kickin' myself in the pants because we were just in Boise (I know, I know) and we didn't come and see you guys and your absolutely ADORABLE little boy. Gosh, I kept saying to Derrel, We need to go see Josh and Teri. It just never happened. Sorry, I'm sure we'll be in Boise again, as half of our family is right around that area. Cute cute pictures. Thanks for sharing!!!

Kim Walker said...

And NO this is not your Kim Walker friend from high school. It's your friend from Hillcrest 1st ward=)! He he he.

Hilary said...

Ty is so cute. I wish we lived closer. Did you know you have the same car seat stroller combo?! I love it. Carter takes naps in strollers like that when we are out and about.