Monday, July 21, 2008

Just for fun

Here are a couple of new pictures. Tyler's big thing right now is waving to everyone and everything, especially cars, I love it! His first experience with Tiger's Blood snow cone. He loved it and his lips were so RED!


JANEAL said...

MMmmmm Tigers blood is my favorite! So cute...I love it when they wave. What a cute boy you have!

The Grover Family said...

Hey Teri, I didn't know you guys live in meridian! I have a cousin that lives there too. Her name is Chelsea Vega..... Her hubby's name is Manuel maybe you know them? anyway Ty is adorable! Love ya talk to ya later!

Chien & Jared Gray said...

Hi Teri,This is Chien Gray from Dr.Braithwaite's old patient. I spoke with Drea the other day and she told me you moved here to Meridian. How fun! I lived in Boise now, would love to get together with you and have playdates for our kids sometime. Here is my info or cell 208-870-0410... Have a nice day!

Colleen said...

yum. tigers blood is the best ever. you guys have a cute little boy.

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I LOVE it!

Kim said...

he is growing so fast! what a cutie

Kaila said...

Fun pictures. I love the waving. We should all get together again. And when the guys go biking we need to take the kids swimming. If your interested let me know.

Emily said...

HEY I just found your blog!! CUTE BOY! He is so big! You guys look really happy and like you are having a fun summer! We still miss you guys in our ward, though! You started a trend and everyone is moving lately! Glad I found your blog!