Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer Fun!

We have been trying to get a little more excitment in our is what we have come up with.

Feeding the ducks

Swinging on the swings (Ty loves going as high as possible)

First swimming experience. Tyler doesn't look too excited but he really did love it.

Going for a bike ride.

Okay, we are pretty boring people - but what do you expect? There's only so much to do with a kid attached to the hip. Tyler has started waving, saying "mamamama" and "dadadada" and has a fit if he isn't standing up.



Hayley Nelson Potter said...

I am just laughing about your "trying to get more excitment in life" mainly because I can so relate. I look at some of my friends blogs and they are traveling the world etc and well here we are in good old IF at the park. Somehow the small things become exciting with little ones. Is he walking? I also cant get over the golfing post below...SO cute. We miss you guys!

JANEAL said...

Isn't it great when they start saying mama and dada? Love how the bike trailer is full of toys for the ride. I'm beginning to wonder if you exist because you are never in any of the pictures...LOL!

Liz said...

Sounds like a heavenly life to me! You do way more than we do, and we don't even have a kid!! I love Tylers hair.

Mel said...

I am so excited you found us. Jason and I were just talking about you guys the other day. Funny, huh? Your kid is so big. It is so fun to keep in touch this way. You look great too. How are you enjoying your new home???

Brandon and Amanda Gregory said...

hey, glad to get ya'lls email to let us know your info. our blog is at its good to hear from ya'll! we miss ya'll! your little boy is getting so big and is just so cute! hope to keep in touch!

the S family said...

Yep that sounds like being a mom! That is about all you can do with a kid at the hip, but I love anytime we get to spend as a family! He is so stinkin adorable too!